Privacy policy
- Any contact details and other personal information required for performing the business of Maravilha Translators is held by Mike Brady, who is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).
- Personal information will be used solely for providing translation, revision, proofreading and editing services, and associated activities. Associated activities include providing quotes, discussing and billing specific jobs, and providing information on availability and updates on qualifications and services offered. Contact details will not be shared with third parties without prior permission.
- Contact details are held in electronic form and in email correspondence on a password protected computer and backup system. Records and emails may exist in a password protected cloud backup systems, specifically iCloud.
- Documents received for translation or other services will be held for the period specified by the agency or client providing the document. If no period is specified, documents will be held for client backup and insurance purposes until a request is received to destroy them. If no such request is received within three years of the service, the documents may be securely destroyed.
- Documents are stored as local copies on a password protected computer and backup system. Cloud storage is not used for documents, unless these have been received by email, in which case a copy will exist on the secure email server for the period determined in item 4.
- To request details of information relating to you held by Mike Brady or to request its destruction, contact [email protected]